Headshot of Sarah Thompson, Border Litigation Project Legal Fellow/Staff Attorney


Border Litigation Project Legal Fellow/Staff Attorney



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Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Sarah has a B.A. in Latin American & Caribbean Studies from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from NYU School of Law. She has a variety of experience working for social justice and the civil rights of non-citizens, starting as a summer intern at the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) in 2012, then as a Legal Assistant specializing in U-Visa and VAWA petitions at Legal Services of South Central Michigan from 2013-2015, before starting law school. While at NYU, Sarah volunteered at Make the Road New Jersey, a member-led immigrant and workers’ rights organization, represented NYC public school students in suspension hearings against the NYC Department of Education, and spent two years representing a non-citizen in a Second Circuit appeal of his deportation order through the NYU Law Immigrant Rights Clinic. In law school, she spent her summers as a law clerk at the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project, assisting ICE detainees in Florence and Eloy, AZ, and representing wage theft victims in administrative hearings and civil litigation as a Peggy Browning Fellow in the Wage Protection Program at Legal Aid at Work in San Francisco, CA.