Updated resources as of April 16, 2021 unless otherwise specified.
Covid-19 Vaccination Information
- Covid-19 Vaccination Sites and Appointment Information
- Covid-19 Vaccine Education Materials
- Covid-19 Vaccine Resources and Links
Employee Rights
- Navigate your rights and access unemployment benefits through the Employment Development Department (EDD)
- Disability Insurance
- Undocumented Workers’ Employment Rights
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- California Governor’s COVID-19 Business & Economic Development Website
- COVID-19 Business & Economic Development Website. The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development has compiled helpful information for employers, employees and all Californians as it relates to the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Federal Tax Payment deadline extension
- Individuals can defer their federal income tax payments (including any self-employment tax) for the 2019 tax year from the normal April 15 deadline until July 15.
- Corona Virus Tax Relief | Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information and resources page https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus
Consumer Protections
Immigrant Rights & Resources
- CA Immigrant Policy Center
- Comprehensive support for undocumented communities during COVID-19 pandemic
- U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Public Charge Resources
- On March 13, USCIS announced that testing, prevention, or treatment for COVID-19, also called Coronavirus, would NOT be used against immigrants in a public charge test. This means that immigrant families should seek the care they need during this difficult time.You have a right to your health info sheethttps://protectingimmigrantfamilies.org/Access to healthcare for immigrants and their families NILC document on Families First Act, and more.
- Refugee Services
- A List of Relief Funds for Undocumented Workers in California (Legal Aid at Work)
- Resources for Undocumented Californians (California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance)
- The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium (SDIRC) has launched the SDIRC Immigrant Relief Fund to provide grants of up to $500 to immigrant families in San Diego who have lost part or all of their income due to the coronavirus pandemic, or other disasters.
- Guide for Immigrant Californians (updated 04.15.2020)
- San Diego County Office of Education school closures list
- San Diego Unified School District website for general news, updates
- Free Scholastic Learn at Home Resource
- Immigrant Connections learning site
LGBTQ Support Services
- San Diego Pride COVID-19 Community Resources and Support
- The Center Services
- Know your rights guide for transgender and non-binary people
Food and Housing
If you need help finding assistance for all your basic needs. http://www.211.org/services/covid19
- Food
- Housing Assistance and Programs
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources
- City of San Diego Community Development Block Grant Program Fair Housing Resources
- Mental Health Housing Resources
- San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless resource & informational guide
- SDSU Housing Resources (not only for students)
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources
Senior Services
- Elder Help of San Diego
- Serving Seniors
- Full Access and Coordinated Transportation, Inc. (FACT) services
General Resources
- County of San Diego Free Appointment-Only COVID-19 Testing Sites
- County of San Diego Epidemiology Unit –Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- City of San Diego COVID-19 Resources and Updates
- State of CA Resources and Updates
- California Department of Public Health COVID-19 Updates
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –COVID-19
Global Resources
- World Health Organization –Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic page
- Refugee Resettlement news during COVID-19
- United Nations COVID-19 page
State and County Orders
- Order from Governor of California, Gavin Newsom
- Order from San Diego County of Human Health Services and Agency
- Governor Newsom’s Order to Protect Renters and Homeowners
- National City’s Order for Mandatory Face Coverings in Public (UPDATED: 04.22.2020)
- Chula Vista’s Order for Mandatory Face Coverings While at Essential Businesses (UPDATED: 04.23.2020)
Health Insurance
- Due to COVID-19, Covered California is expanding its Special Enrollment Period for 2020. Anyone uninsured and eligible to enroll in health care coverage through Covered California can sign up through the end of June.
Imperial County COVID-19 Resource List
Employment Rights
- Imperial County Office of Education School Closures Notice
- ICOE meals distribution resources during school closures
Food, Housing and Essentials
- Imperial Valley Food Bank
- Westmorland Community Pantry
- Pacific Southwest
- Locations of food drives all over Imperial Valley, for more details call: (760) 222-8034.
- Catholic Charities El Centro
- Food distribution to seniors on Mondays, you have to go through a case worker and call (760)353-6822. Emergency food & other vouchers (case by case). Meals on wheels for seniors continues. Current hours are 9-11:45am & 1pm-4pm. Location: 250 W. Orange El Centro, CA. 92243
- United Way Imperial County
- Imperial Valley LGBT Resource Center