On September 17, 2020, the ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties (ACLUF-SDIC) will present our fourteenth annual Celebrate the Constitution! program. Over the past 13 years, we have partnered with host teachers and volunteer speakers to educate more than 125,000 local middle and high school students about their civil rights and freedoms.

It’s a wonderfully popular program, the hallmark of which is interacting with students in their classrooms. The COVID-19 crisis has prompted us to reimagine the program in a way that will allow us to connect with more youth than ever before.

This year, Celebrate the Constitution! will be an entirely digital program. Rather than visiting classrooms this year on Constitution Day, September 17, we will release video shorts about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The online format will allow us to safely engage with students and to offer meaningful digital content that can be accessed by youth across the nation all year long!

We look forward to Celebrating the Constitution with you!

Download the hi-res version of ‘Dare to Create A More Perfect Union’ 11 x17 graphic here.