Bail Reform: Not a Question of If, But When for California

Bail reform is gaining steam, and we couldn’t be happier. Across the country, counties and states are tackling problems with their money bail systems. Even Congress — dysfunctional as it can be — is taking a look at the issue. September 18, 2017

Know Your Rights: Sex Ed Should Inform, Not Stigmatize

Abstinence-only sex education has been illegal in California for years. But some schools are still failing to teach sex ed, or are teaching a version of sex ed that spreads misinformation and is based in fear and stigma. August 25, 2017

Police in Schools Don’t Have Unlimited Power

If you’re a middle or high school student in the Los Angeles Unified School District, you’ve probably been subjected to a “random” metal detector search — and if not, you’ve probably heard about them. Students aren’t suspects, and policing them undermines their education and damages school morale. August 25, 2017