#WeCanWednesday: Monica Montgomery

February 21, 2018

Monica Montgomery


Monica has been with us for over a year now and is deeply embedded in the work that she does with us. A San Diego native hailing from Southeast San Diego, Monica toils tirelessly to fight against injustices that she sees by heading the local bail reform efforts in San Diego by coordinating with our statewide team. Learn a little bit more about Monica and her work.

Name, title, and primary areas of focus.

Monica Montgomery, Criminal Justice Advocate, leading the local bail reform campaign in the San Diego region. We are building power and awareness in the community to monitor local implementation of the California Money Bail Reform Act (SB 10), when/if it is passed in the state legislature.

What drives you to do the work you do?

Injustice is a constant theme of life for people and communities of color throughout the nation. That is what motivates me to affect change in the system. I still believe that with everyone at the table, we can create policies that, when implemented properly, have fair and just results.

What do you think San Diego & Imperial Counties will look like if/when you are effective with your work?

My hope is that we will have less disparities; no more structural and institutional racism in the policies that govern us. My desire is to live in a region that is a model for the nation, where the system works the way it’s supposed to for all, and not just some. My goal is to help change the region so that it operates fairly and resources are distributed equitably.

How can others support the work you do to help get us closer to a more equitable San Diego & Imperial Counties and maybe the world?

In order to work together effectively, we must begin building and strengthening relationships. Strong relationships and connectivity in communities is the most powerful tool we have. We can’t be stopped when we work together on the issues we agree on. The best way we can support each other is by being honest, doing the work together, and providing space for one another to be heard and understood.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“I’m not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right, and that is good.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

What’s your favorite amendment?

If I have to choose, I’d say the Fourteenth Amendment. It addresses equal protection under the law and due process — rights that are essential in the work we do.