Chloe Triplett, Policy Advocate, Education Equity/ Technology & Civil Liberties
What drives you to do the work you do?
It is no secret that this is a frightening time for our nation. It hits home for me as a black women in particular. There have been long-standing institutional and cultural barriers that have attempted to block us from achieving our educational, professional, and personal pursuits. Despite this, we are at the forefront of today’s changing political landscape. I am proud to do my part with the ACLU and work to create policies that will uplift and enable our communities of color to ignite positive change
What do you think San Diego & Imperial Counties will look like if/when you are effective with your work?
San Diego’s lawmakers and those in positions of power will be required to be more transparent and grant all San Diego communities maximum access to the policy making decisions.
How can others support the work you do to help get us closer to more equitable San Diego & Imperial Counties and maybe the world?
This important work can be supported by the voices of our community staying energized. Whether it is attending a council meeting, or a local town hall, it is imperative that the community continues to speak out and stand up against injustice and inequity. All of us have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and oppression in order to fully achieve an equitable landscape.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“Be not discouraged Black women of the world, but push forward, regardless of the lack of appreciation shown you”- Anne Jacques Garvey
What’s your favorite amendment?
The First Amendment rights guaranteed to all Americans is what truly makes our nation great. In these times of uncertainty, we rely on our rights to the freedoms of speech, press, and religion to fully speak our minds and seek the truth from our government officials.