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California, Say Her Name

As stories of state violence against Black men and boys occupy many of the calls for police reform, countless stories of Black women and girls subjected to excessive force and police misconduct remain untold. We must say their names. June 11, 2018

Criminalizing Poor People Adds Insult To Injury

Criminalizing poor and homeless people for engaging in basic life-sustaining activities like eating, sleeping, resting and seeking shelter is unjust and cruel. It entrenches people in homelessness. When it’s done under the auspice of a vague and biased ordinance, it adds insult to injury. May 17, 2018

Traditions of Black Philanthropy

When one thinks of philanthropy one thinks of five figure gifts to the museum or symphony by ten figure individuals. But philanthropy takes many forms. March 24, 2018

Women Need Bail Reform Now

In the past few decades, the number of incarcerated women has grown dramatically, from 8,000 in 1970 to nearly 100,000 today. There is growing recognition that mass incarceration is a feminist issue that intersects with multiple systems of oppression. March 22, 2018